We are introducing four economic stimulus plans. Two plugs the drains on the economy, and two help to rebuild it. The plans will be started in the United States, and will spread out to encompass the entire planet.
The first is the Exit Strategy for Iraq. The war started a series of ripples that will eventually affect every person on the planet. First to be affected were those who stand on the principles. Iraq is a sovereign country. The next to be drawn into the crisis was those who are financially affected. The next is the people whose lives are affected, and the final group are those who are effected by the ripples. The United States attempted to gain power, prestige and control of Iraq's oil reserves and strategic location in the Middle East, but in the process, the backlash from the war has caused the United States to lose power, prestige and oil reserves. There is no way, under the present practices to gain back what we lost. The only way to get power is to give power, and that is the concept behind our plan for the international government. Every nation will be treated fairly and equally, and the games of covert and overt actions will no longer be tolerated.
The California Community Property Law has created a drain to the Asian countries, who believe this century is theirs. The California law equally divides the assets of a couple when then divorce. As the marriage breaks apart, the business oftentimes has to be sold, and assets divided, leaving the two cash-rich and business-idea poor. The businesses are being sold to foreign investors, and they are going overseas, leaving the California economy stagnant. Our plan enables the money to stay in California. The proposed international government allows Asian countries to develop their own economies by turning within their countries to develop their niche based on their own natural resources and people's talents and gifts. We are introducing plans for fifty innovative projects, which will spin off and revolutionize technology, and every other aspect of society.
The Multiply Your Resources plan enables a nation and individuals to function on a far higher level by each finding its niche, and by creating win-win agreements, there is no limit to what can be created. Imagine what would happen in a field, such as cancer research, if every person on the planet were to share their research, wisdom gleaned by a lifetime of working in the field, and personal experiences from having to face the crisis and resolve it successfully. There is no problem that cannot be resolved when you draw in the resources of every person on the planet.
On the individual level, people must work at jobs that are satisfying and fulfilling, and the Lift the Public enables individuals to create their niche, their own business based on their talents and gifts. The collapse of the national and global economy, and the social programs that are being cut to pay for the wars, requires people to assume responsibility for these crises. The governments have the capacity to assume responsibility for projects that are too expensive for individuals to manage, but should not be responsible for helping people to get their life on a higher level.
By standing on the principles of the inalienable rights we have given to us by our Creator, it is possible to create a global renaissance. The plan for the international government enables every person on the planet to have the opportunity to create the life we want without interference. We will have a voice in our government, and the right to be treated fairly and equally.
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